
Below shows the classification chart of the Animal Group

This classification chart can also be found in My Pals Are Here! - Diversity Textbook on page 37.

A summary of the Animal Group can be found on page 46 of your textbook.


You need to know these two characteristics of  mammals:
  • Mammals are covered with hair or fur on their bodies.
  • Most mammals give birth to live young and produce milk to feed their young.
  • Mammals breathe through lungs.

These are some examples. You do not need to learn the names.

Spiny ant eaters and platypus reproduce by laying eggs.

Spiny ant eater

Whales and dolphins live in water. They have a blowhole at the top of its head. 



Flying squirrels glides from tree to tree whereas bats can fly. They are not classified under birds.

Flying squirrel



You need to know the characteristics of birds:

  • Birds have feathers on their bodies.
  • Birds also have a beak and wings.
  • Birds lay eggs.

These are some examples. You do not need to learn the names.

Birds have wings but not all can fly.
These birds that cannot fly.



You need to know the characteristics of fish:

  • Fish has fins and tail to help it swim.
  • Fish have gills to help them breathe.
  • The bodies of most fish are covered with SCALES.
  • Most fish reproduce by laying eggs.

These are some examples. You do not need to learn the names.
  • Some fish give birth to live young.
  • Example: Shark, Guppy and Molly




You need to know the characteristics of insects:
  • The body of an insect is divided into 3 parts - a HEADTHORAX and ABDOMEN.
  • Insects have six legs.
  • They have a pair of feelers (two antennae).
  • Insects reproduce by laying eggs.
Top view of insect

Side view of insect

Reproduce by laying eggs

These are some examples. You do not need to learn the names.

  • Caterpillar has true six legs emerging from the thorax. The number of legs a caterpillar can have varies. These extra legs are called prolegs.
Click to view the magnified caterpillar

  • Butterfly have a pair of feelers, wings and 6 legs.

  • Ant has a pair of feelers and 6 legs.

  • Grasshopper has a pair of feelers and 6 legs.


You need to know the characteristics of amphibians:
  • Amphibians live in water and on land.
  • Amphibians breathe through their moist skin and lungs.
  • Amphibians reproduce by laying eggs.

These are some examples. You do not need to learn the names.




You need to know the characteristics of reptiles:
  • Reptiles have dry skin.
  • Reptiles are covered with scales.
  • Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs.

Reptiles do not have constant body temperature. 
Their body temperature changes according to the temperature of their surroundings.

These are some examples. You do not need to learn the names.


Snake - has a body covering of scales

Turtle - has a hard shell to protect its body